Daniel Sibyolho
Meet Daniel (above, right) — he’s a celebrated teacher and the Head Teacher at Bridge, Katende. He’s been with Bridge for four years. Although he’s Head Teacher, he continues to help out with science lessons, which means he really gets to know the pupils.
“I have been a Head Teacher since 2016,” he says. “Transferring between different Bridge schools. I am now at Bridge school Katende. Being Head Teacher has taught me lots of different skills like people management, pupil management.”
Daniel manages many teachers and pupils every day, and believes that Bridge’s technology has supported him a lot. “Every teacher comes with their teacher computer and they sync with my internet source which is like a clock in. I then monitor the lesson management to check on lesson completion.”
“This system helps to deal with teacher absenteeism” Daniel says. “It ensures that while teachers are in class, they are actually teaching.”