Fred Mpanga

Meet Fred Mpanga, one very proud Bridge Uganda parent! Fred has four children at Bridge, Kagoma in Wakiso District. Since Bridge opened up its doors in 2016—in the heart of his community—he’s enrolled all his children at Bridge, so impressed was he by the changes he saw.

Fred has twin sons, Kato Nkangi and Wasswa Senoga in Primary 1. Their younger brother Peter Mwebaze is in baby class, while big brother Edrine Kalibala is in Primary 3. Fred himself has also got involved; he’s been elected Chairperson of the school’s Parent Teacher Association . . . a real Bridge family!

Fred is very pleased with his children’s education at Bridge. “As a parent, I’m so proud of my children’s academic progress. I’ve seen significant changes in their level of comprehension. They can read, write and speak confidently among their peers.”

He concludes by adding that he believes: “Bridge is giving my children a strong foundation for their future.”
