Jennifer Ayebazibwe
Jennifer Ayebazibwe has been working at Bridge, Abaita Ababiri for three years, although she has been involved in the education system for eight.
She particularly loves the inclusion of technology at Bridge, because there is less manual work for teachers to do so they can focus on their teaching. “I wish to encourage communities to learn about the technologies Bridge is teaching. We need to embrace it.” Jennifer explains how this will be essential to bringing the communities in to the modern world.
A top passion for Jennifer is girls’ education. She explains that getting to this point in her own life was far from easy. “My father didn’t want me to receive a higher level of education,” she says, “Following tradition, he believed it wasn’t necessary for girls. Luckily I managed to convince him otherwise.” Jennifer wants to make sure that all girls get the opportunity to go on and study.
There are obstacles of course, but Jennifer finds that her passion for the work keeps her going. “Occasionally parents can be difficult,” she laughs, “but I can handle them.” Overall, Jennifer’s advice is for all parents to enrol their children at Bridge – “we are the gateway to success!” she says.